Thursday, October 23, 2008

World Peace made easy...

Aloha beautiful people,

I have a great topic for today: "How can I contribute to World Peace?"

All of us want to make a positive contribution to our community. Many of my clients ask me: “How can I make a positive impact on the world? What can I do?”
I will be teaching a workshop on how to move toward world peace through cultivating a conscious relationship with ourselves and our partner in March of 2009. (For more information, please go to:

World Peace is not a concept. World Peace is not something out there, far away. It is not in big amphitheatres filled with politicians. World Peace is a personal spiritual practice, that lives in the HERE and NOW.

Yesterday, my wife saw a bumper sticker that said: “F… Bush!” And she told me: “This is war.”
War is not something that happens far, far away. War starts in our minds. And WE ALL contribute to any war going on right now on this planet, each time we entertain thoughts of anger, jealousy, greed, and so on.
I love the quote by French poet Voltaire.
“No snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible.”
After realizing, that their negative thoughts contribute to the negativity they see in the world, I’ve seen some of my clients go on war with their anger, jealousy or greed. “I need to fight those negative patterns… get rid of them!”
Hee-hee! See how tricky…Now we’re warring again!
Here is a little awareness tool for you, when you get triggered by something in the world:
“How do I tend to become what I disapprove of?”
Mirror mirror...

Here is the process of negative manifestation:

Each of our negative thoughts is like a snowflake.
We give the snowflake momentum by entertaining that thought, which increases the slope of the mountain in our mind where it lies.
When we combine that thought with emotion, we are increasing the inclination of the slope.
The thought now starts joining with more and more thoughts that are similar.
Our emotions get stronger, the slope increases, and then the thoughts begin to tumble down the mountainside accumulating more negative thoughts on the way.
The more we indulge in negative thoughts and the emotions that they birth, the more destructive the energy of the accumulated thoughts become.
The thoughts gather more and more momentum.
Eventually, we can’t hold the energy anymore.
This is a breaking point:
Our thoughts turn into action.
The avalanche destroys whatever is in its way…

Here is a great remedy that truly works, and here it is:

Stop feeding the thoughts that create dis-harmony. And, can you find it in you to love All, Consciously, and Unconditionally.

This means to love our enemies in all forms.
Particularly thought forms. Recognize that negative thoughts, at their core, are rooted in fear. Give yourself compassion.

Tell the truth about your thoughts:
"They’re only thoughts, and thoughts can be changed" as says Louise Hay.
With awareness, by paying attention, we can choose the thoughts that we want to live with.

Harboring resentment is like ingesting poison, hoping that the other person will die.

Cherish and nurture the thoughts that make you feel good!

Practice and cultivate discernment through the lens of Love, rather than fear and judgment.

Watch out for negative bonding. (Talking negatively with the unconscious purpose of connecting with someone.)

Be creative and invent positive bonding.

All negative thoughts are rooted in fear.

All wars start with a thought rooted in fear.

All Peace starts with a thought rooted in love.

Here is an inquiry for you:
"What is burning in my heart? What am I truly longing for?"

As we become conscious, our relationships transform. As our relationships transform, the world is becoming a friendlier place, full of possibilities, and World Peace is right here, on your doorstep.
So here it is again: start by becoming a peace ambassador on the inside, and you will become a peace ambassador on the outside. You can’t change others, but you can inspire them with who you are. Be the change.
Meanwhile, practice random acts of kindness…

Love and Blessings,


Sunday, October 12, 2008

My Intention For This Blog!

Hello beautiful people!

I created this blog with the hopes that it be a source of inspiration to many, including myself.

My mission is to inspire and to promote peace, by taking individuals and groups through a breakthrough oriented process.
The process strives to maximize one's ability to connect with one's heart and purpose, so as to contribute fully to our communities.
The result is a sense of purpose, deep fulfillment and joy.

May this blog take a life of its own, as the result of the pooling of genuine souls longing to make a difference in the world, by being the change we wish to see...

Love and Blessings,

Francois Levannier