Friday, December 5, 2008

How to be happy now without having to change the world

This morning, my wife and I went on a walk along a path we LOVE! It’s called the Pixie Trail. At some point on our way back, we stopped to look at a beautiful yard and Christi said, “I wonder what happened here?” I looked and wondered what she meant, and then asked, ”Where?” She was pointing right in front of us. I looked really hard for another half a minute, and all I could see was the same beautiful yard. “Where?” “Right here — the fence.” Then, my eyes adjusted to the fence, which was only six feet in front of us, and I saw that it was broken.

The broken fence was right in front of me, and yet, I couldn’t see it.

I realized something:
- We create our life experience, by choosing where we focus our attention.

“We create our life experience, by choosing where we focus our attention.”

We can look at ourselves as a Physical Body. We all know people who are so attached to their body image that they are constantly experiencing ups and downs, and dramatic mood shifts as a result of the contrast between how they think they should look and how they perceive themselves as actually looking. Their evaluation is so subjective, that one moment they feel great about “themselves” (their body), and the next moment feel awful.

We can look at ourselves as a Soul. Whatever happens to this body or mind doesn’t ultimately hurt ME, as I am here in this form as an educational experiment — to learn about Love.

We can look at ourselves as Consciousness, and know that whatever happens in our lives is simply another experience of a “Now-moment” in the dance of time.

It is similar as we focus our attention on the outside world.

When we identify people with their actions, we judge them when they fail, our hearts close down, and we experience the world as a harsh place.

If we can celebrate failures, because we see them as part of a path of initiation into wisdom, we will feel more elated, and the world will seem like a much friendlier and lighter place!

When we look for how alike we all are, rather than focusing on our differences, we will feel more connected.

We all have the capability to adapt our perspective, and consciously choose the life experience we wish to have.

Ask yourself three questions:
1) Where do I focus most of my attention?
2) What do I really want?
3) Where do I need to focus my attention from now on to have the life experience that I am longing for?

Bottom line:
We live in a multidimensional World, and we have the capacity to choose our life experience by consciously focusing our attention wherever we want.

Am I looking for love and learning, or am I looking for drama?

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