I'm so glad you reading these lines! Can we just take one good loooong deeeep breath in together? Let's do it...
Iiiiiinnnnnnnn........ and..... Ouuuuuuuuut. Just notice how good this feels... how much more powerful you are when you let the clarity, peace and vibrancy that is contained in the breath when you take it consciously.
I have two awesome gifts for you TODAY ;-)
(Who needs a birthday to receive gifts right?)
1. I was interviewed -along with two other personal development experts- by the Marin Independent Journal on "Beauty from Within". You'll find free tips on how to be beautiful from the inside out. Here is the link: http://marinij.travidia.com/SS/Page.aspx?secid=122765&pagenum=4&sstarg=&facing=false&
(Once you're there, make sure to click on the "Next Page" button TWICE, as the article is two pages long.)
2. A great video filmed at a sacred site called Heart Lake by Mount Shasta, with a process to help you enhance your inner guidance and be a better leader! (See below.)
Whether you are a top executive at a Fortune 100 or a homemaker, I consider you to be A LEADER. It doesn't matter whether you are leading your Self, your family or thousands of employees; you have decisions to make. If you want the outcome of your actions to reflect your positive desire for it, then you're actions will need to be inspired (in-spirit) by a deeper "knowing".

There is this place in all of us that already knows/intuits the right course of action for us personally or for our business or company. And as leaders it is our responsibility to be in touch with our own inner guidance system to deliver our very best (Clarifying: I'm not referring to the powers of our "reasoning mind" ;-) ). This responsibility increases when we have accepted a situation that involves making decisions for others.
All great leaders - Gandhi, Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr., ...- were highly achieved beings who had developed their abilities to connect with their Spirit and from there, KNOW what they needed to do, what Buddhists call "right action". Their actions carried a power that inspired millions across the globe and changed our history.
Our leaders today cannot be trusted until they are clear enough to get back to their inner center and guidance. And having fit leaders today is not a luxury, but crucial if we want to continue thriving on this beautiful Planet Earth. This is the reason why I have committed over the past few years to helping hundreds of leaders (like you) all over the world get back in touch with their inner guidance!
How do you get back in touch with your inner guidance?
Much of the clarity of our inner knowing is simply clouded by inner turmoil that blocks our ability to access our Spirit's guidance. Everything is energy our scientists confirm. As we become conscious of the energies, thoughts and emotions, that cause us to separate our consciousness from our original "Knowing", we now have a chance to acknowledge them and let them go as they are no longer serving.
In the video above, which Christi and I shot while camping up at Heart Lake by Mount Shasta last week, YOU will get a chance to let go and transmute sabotaging forces that are active (whether you are conscious of them or not) in your your own Heart. I will guide you through a clearing of the energies that are specifically held in your Heart Chakra (i.e. sadness, doubt, fear, grief, resentment,...)
As leaders, we need to be, consistently, "tuned in". Hey, we bring our cars for tune ups, but how about our Selves?!
So enjoy the video and may you feel lighter and more connected to your own inner knowing!
Blessings to you and may you walk, five minutes from now, with more clarity, confidence, and joy.