Saturday, July 23, 2011

Forgiveness and Freedom, and the Wisdom of a Desert Flower.

Truly growing up is a conscious declaration of freedom and a choice. It doesn’t "just happen"...

As a child you might have been mistreated in some ways,
Perhaps even abused.

But today, if you haven’t forgiven,
Then YOU are the one abusing your Self, and are keeping yourself prisoner.

Forgive... to free yourself... and come alive!

Realize your truest, most authentic Self and nourish the world with your presence.
Why? Because you CAN.

Growing up is not dependent on circumstances.
Growing up is a choice.

Look at the desert flower…

Its environment is incredibly harsh.
Yet, it somehow finds the strength to break open its shell.
Then it searches deep in the sand to find a drop of a drop of life giving water,
And it reeeeaaaaaaches out to the light, until it eventually blooms.
The flower transforms the desert with its beauty,
And commands respect for its commitment and courage.

The desert is your past,
The seed-shell is your mind,
And the life inside the seed is your Spirit.
You, my friend, are the SPIRIT.

Watch your mind, so it doesn’t hold you hostage in the dark.
And keep your eyes on your animating Spirit.
Remember; circumstances can NOT limit the beauty that you are...
Unless you say so.

Forgive the Abuse.
Leave the Past behind.
And live NOW.
The PRESENT is your GIFT.

Questions you can ask yourself

What are your limiting stories?
Where is the "drop of a drop" in your life?
What are the depths that you haven’t explored yet?
Why are you truly here?

© 2007 Francois Levannier. All rights reserved.