Saturday, December 10, 2011

Chaos or Imaginal Experience?

We call chaos, experiences or events that we can't track, understand or make sense of. Our response to chaos is commonly that of "reaction" – a non consciously chosen action. We experience ourselves at effect of the world when we “react” to our environment. Deep held beliefs about who we are and the nature of our relationship to the All, keep us at effect of circumstances. The truth is that we have come here to experience free-will (not reactionary will) and be conscious co-creators in these very special times in the history of our world.

Could what we call "chaos" really just be the perspective of our limited selves?

Could chaos actually be the work of the Great Opulent Design that surpasses the tracking capacities of our egoic minds?

What we witness in nature is that chaotic experiences are closely followed with a cycle of reorganization, which results in a new and more adapted operating system or existence.

The life cycle of the butterfly is the archexample of this. It starts as a caterpillar, heavy and pretty much confined to the area where it hatched. It looks like a “finished product”, yet something unbelievable is about to happen. At some point after eating as much as it could, and growing fat, it hangs itself, lets go of its old self, turns into a gooey soup of imaginal cells, to become what it was born to be: the beautiful winged creature we call butterfly.

I have often wondered what the experience of the caterpillar might be as it slowly disintegrates under the action of self-created enzymes. How aware is it? Does it freak out? Does it know what it's up to? And if yes, does it still freak out?

When we look back at times of chaos in our lives with honesty, we can usually see the good that came out of them. Sometimes we experienced an inner shift that changed everything about the way we perceived our reality, and brought forth behavioral changes that resulted in the manifestation of different creations. Other times, we have just found ourselves in new circumstances that are better suited to facilitate our living our purpose.

If we’re even honester, looking back at the times right before chaos showed up, we’ll see that somewhere, we KNEW that time for change had struck, but didn’t think we had it in us to initiate the required changes. After all, why step into the unknown when we just arrived at a point in our lives where we start feeling shaky. Shouldn’t we be looking for stability instead? It’s like being at the end of the road we’re on, and standing on the edge of a cliff.  And we’re like: “No way I’m jumping!” And we wait… until LIFE gives us the push, and rather than diving gracefully out of our own conscious choice with a beautiful triple summersault, we fall down with flailing arms and legs, kicking and screaming like a three-year old on a sugar high at bedtime.

What if we could truly and deeply realize that just like the caterpillar, we are NOT the end product and will never be. Nothing is.  We are constantly in a process of change following the cycles of: creation, conservation and destruction. The Hindus have attributed a God to each aspect of the cycle. Brahma the Creator, Vishnu the Conserver, and Shiva the Destroyer.

When Shiva comes knocking on our door, can we welcome the divine plan behind the scary appearance of destruction? Then rather than chaos, we would have the opportunity to see what it’s like to be having an imaginal experience. Imagine that!

Remember this when chaos becomes overwhelming to you:

You are butterflying yourself!

We are all constantly butterflying ourselves!!

Who wants to remain caterpillar all of our life, when our purpose is to fly?

The critical situation of our world, and its very real prospect of self-annihilation, is not unlike the chrysalisation process of the caterpillar. The old obsolete egoic structures will be shed, and we will ALL emerge on the other side as a butterflied people and planet! The question is not whether it will happen -it is happening - but whether we will transition with a triple summersault or kicking and screaming.

©2011 Francois Levannier. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Got Self Love?

I celebrated my 38th birthday in March earlier this year. My wife took me out for ice cream, and dared me to play a game, which ended up in a shocking discovery and months of inquiry.

Christi asked me: “What do you love and appreciate about yourself? Every answer will earn you the right to one spoonful. No answer, no ice cream.” I laughed; partly because of her very apparent anticipation, and partly because I thought it was goofy and too easy. After all, I was a veteran of gratitude-lists and ecstatic prayers!

I am ashamed to say that I could have filled a cup with my saliva by the time I came up with my first answer!

The second answer came a while later. Why was it so hard for me to come up with qualities that I loved and appreciated about myself!?

But this wasn’t all. I eventually did start to get the hang of it, and ended up with a list of items big enough to finish my ice cream ;-). I then decided to list the qualities I love and appreciate about Christi. Before I had uttered the first word, my consciousness had filled up with loving thoughts and feelings, and my body was tingling all over. I felt elevated and inspired. And from that state of connection, words poured out with such ease and grace. How come this didn’t happen for me?!

From this experience, I learned a few important things that I believe you, who is interested in your own growth and the well-being of the planet, will probably want to hear.

Self-appreciation is a path filled with benefits that serve all.

Seven benefits of self-appreciation.

1.     Our tendency is to look for appreciation outside ourselves.  This can cost us a lot of energy. It is not sustainable. When we find appreciation for ourselves, we are able to be in our beauty and power, and deliver our gifts to a world in need with greatest ease. We can focus on living our purpose.

2.     We’ve all learnt growing up that self-love was connected with egotism, that it was shameful and wrong. This has supported the development of the human tendency for self-criticism. Self-appreciation is a great antidote for our inner critic, and I believe it can help people who suffer from mild depression.

3.     It is easy to see other’s gifts, but it is harder to see our own gifts. Self-appreciation is an exercise of seeing ourselves. When we see ourselves we can more easily see where we fit in the world.

4.     By appreciating our selves, we unconsciously give others permission to appreciate themselves too.

5.     By seeing ourselves, we help others see our value, thus increasing our potential to deliver our gifts to the world and live prosperous lives.

6.    The impact on our vibration and energy field is considerable. It helps us raise our vibration and attract to us experiences that are pleasant and fulfilling.

7.     I become more of who I am. Rumi might see it as: as I appreciate myself, I am the lover and the beloved, and I am One.

So you think you’re ready to give yourself a round of appreciation?

Maybe you are… maybe not. Trust me when I say “It is easier said than done”!

So here are a few pointers on how to proceed.

1.     Start by thinking of someone or something you love and appreciate – e.g. a pet, a family member,… (=> It is often easier to think of someone else when we set out to conjure the beneficial feelings of appreciation.)

2.     Allow the feelings of love and appreciation for this person or thing bubble up in your experience and fill your space.

3.     Turn these feelings toward yourself, and think of the qualities or strengths that you love about yourself.

4.     Start every sentence with “I love and appreciate myself because…”

It is good if you can come up with a bunch of items, 15 at the minimum. It is even better if you are feeling the positive feelings that correspond to the quality of appreciation.

Start by practicing this every morning for the next week, and notice the impact on all your relationships and the way the world starts mirroring your value back to you! In the evening. take a moment and track the positive experiences of your day.

When you take one step toward Universe, Universe runs toward you with a thousand steps. Take this step of self-appreciation, and give Life a chance to shower you with blessings!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Forgiveness and Freedom, and the Wisdom of a Desert Flower.

Truly growing up is a conscious declaration of freedom and a choice. It doesn’t "just happen"...

As a child you might have been mistreated in some ways,
Perhaps even abused.

But today, if you haven’t forgiven,
Then YOU are the one abusing your Self, and are keeping yourself prisoner.

Forgive... to free yourself... and come alive!

Realize your truest, most authentic Self and nourish the world with your presence.
Why? Because you CAN.

Growing up is not dependent on circumstances.
Growing up is a choice.

Look at the desert flower…

Its environment is incredibly harsh.
Yet, it somehow finds the strength to break open its shell.
Then it searches deep in the sand to find a drop of a drop of life giving water,
And it reeeeaaaaaaches out to the light, until it eventually blooms.
The flower transforms the desert with its beauty,
And commands respect for its commitment and courage.

The desert is your past,
The seed-shell is your mind,
And the life inside the seed is your Spirit.
You, my friend, are the SPIRIT.

Watch your mind, so it doesn’t hold you hostage in the dark.
And keep your eyes on your animating Spirit.
Remember; circumstances can NOT limit the beauty that you are...
Unless you say so.

Forgive the Abuse.
Leave the Past behind.
And live NOW.
The PRESENT is your GIFT.

Questions you can ask yourself

What are your limiting stories?
Where is the "drop of a drop" in your life?
What are the depths that you haven’t explored yet?
Why are you truly here?

© 2007 Francois Levannier. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Overwhelm no more!

Do you want to create change in your life? You may even have...  a dream or a vision... but the mere thought of embarking on that journey has chronically brought you a pattern of "Overwhelm" that has kept you from ever taking the first step?

If yes, then you MUST read this short story. (Today could be the day you took your very first step!)

By Francois Levannier

Once upon a time there was a young man who lived in the state of Maine, on the East coast of the Americas. But really, he lived in a chronic state of okay-ness with an underlying feeling of boredom and anxiety.  

His life was okay, but he didn't feel alive. I mean ALIVE alive.

One night, he had a dream. On the other side of the Great Big Ocean, in a place called "La Cote d'Emeraude" - The Emerald Coast -- in Brittany, France, was a light. This light was calling him, beckoning him to come over to dance with it.

The next morning, something had changed in this young man. As if some of that light had penetrated him and he was now filled with eagerness and purpose.

He now had a vision: crossing the Great Big Atlantic Ocean and reaching "La Cote d'Emeraude" in Brittany, France.

It didn't take him long before he had built the perfect vessel for his journey. He set the rudder and his compass to the exact coordinates of his destination, and he set off on his adventure!

Our young man spent the next 26 years sailing back and forth between what he called "Heaven and Earth". He was alive. I mean ALIVE alive!

Until one day, something odd happened. That so familiar sense of okay-ness, this strange underlying feeling of boredom and anxiety had come back...

That night, he had a dream. On the other side of the Great Big Ocean but far, far south of "La Cote d'Emeraude" in Britanny, France, on the old continent of Africa he saw a light. This light was calling him, beckoning him to come over and dance with it!

The next morning, something had changed in this man. As if some of that light had penetrated him, but this time, hesitation had replaced eagerness and purpose was replaced with doubt. He had seen the light, but now he was afraid. He didn't have the youth and carefreeness that had once carried him forward to make his dream come true. 

If he wanted to reach that light far in the south of the old continent of Africa, then he needed to change his sailing course by 40 degrees; a huge stretch for himself and his navigation equipment!  

He was overwhelmed.

He decided to not heed the call of that light, and he took off, once again, for the good ol' "Cote d'Emeraude" in Britanny, France. But this time, no light was to be seen anywhere. Everything looked grey, dull and lifeless.  And his anxiety came back to haunt him.

He thought of his dream and the light far, far south in the old continent of Africa. But the journey to it seemed impossible, and the mere thought of embarking on this journey felt completely overwhelming to him. "40 degrees?! That's way too much. I can't do it. My equipment can't handle it.  No way!"

One night, when he was back home in the state of Maine, on the East coast of the Americas, he looked at the stars and prayed for guidance. A shooting star crossed the sky, and a thought made its way into his head: "One degree a day." He repeated this thought. "One degree a day." Then it clicked! "ONE DEGREE A DAY!" All he ever had to do was to change his course by one tiny little degree every day, to eventually reach his destination.  

"That," he said to himself, "I CAN do!" and he thanked The Universe for its guidance.

The next morning, he packed his belongings and ran to his boat as he had many times before, but this time, as he left the harbor, he gave his rudder a tiny little nudge. One degree to be exact ;-)

The next day everything looked just the same as it always had. But it felt slightly different, like everything was just the way it was supposed to be. And peace had replaced some of his anxiety. He gave that rudder another tiny little nudge. One degree... And every day our man changed his course by one degree. And everyday, he could sense a growing feeling of joy and light-heartedness in his chest.

Until one day, he noticed a bird he had never seen before. And what a joy, what a celebration! He was overcome with curiosity and awe. He wanted to know all about that bird! He felt incredibly alive again. I mean ALIVE alive!

The weather became warmer and warmer. So he let go of his many layers of clothes and opened himself to the sun's loving embrace.

The water became warmer too and he, for the first time, accepted the dolphins' invitation to play with them.

The light was in him.

And one day, he saw a small island. Music was coming from it. And as he got closer, he could see people dancing on the beach. Soon, they too noticed him and waved him over.  

He got off his boat and was offered food. Food he had never seen nor tasted before. Coconuts, mangos, pineapples, papaya, etc... 

He was in heaven.

He stayed for a while, then, when he knew in his heart that it was time to go, he took off again, changing his course by one degree every single day. And one day he arrived at his destination.

It is when he saw the land of his vision that he realized that indeed:

-       One can accomplish big things easily and effortlessly by making small adjustments daily.

-       One experiences "the Light" AS SOON AS one says YES to it and takes the very first step toward it. One experiences Joy as soon as one says YES to it and takes the very first step.

It is said that this man, an old man now, is still wandering the seas. He's been called many names, but the one that puts a big smile on my face is "Ocean Gump".

So my friend, let me ask you this: do you have a dream or a vision?
Are you moving toward that "light" or away from it?
What is the tiny little step that you CAN take today?  And tomorrow? What is that "one degree" for you?

I am asking, because the world needs your dream right now.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Transform your iPhone into a personal Life Coach!

In my last post, I talked about Personal Leadership, and the importance of "being present", as YOU.

Today, I am sending out a shout about a fantastic spiritual new-tech tool that will help you "find your way" when you're feeling confused and in need of some guidance.  

It is an iPhone app and it is called MY ORACLE.

My Oracle
(Click on this link to go straight to the app store.)

My Oracle 

I co-created this app a couple of years ago, and since then, thousands of people have benefitted from using it.

I've had people I don't know stop me in the streets, to tell me that they have my app, they love it, and use it all the time for themselves and with their friends and family to find guidance and clarity. It feels really good to hear these testimonials, and I am reminded that what I do "here" can have a huge impact on what happens "there". What came to me as inspiration about six years ago during walks in Marin County's nature, and was put down on paper in my office in Mill Valley, is now reaching and helping people all over the world!!! It's totally mind boggling to me.

Marin Magazine wrote about it last year! 

Great leaders embody great qualities and virtues of the human spirit, and they inspire others to live with an ever increasing level of ethics. MY ORACLE is composed of dozens of "readings" or "messages" that refer back to those virtues. Virtues such as Generosity, Patience, Selflessness or Trust. MY ORACLE reminds us of the qualities inherent within all of us that empower us, free us, and ultimately contribute to the co-creation of a better world for all of us.

MY ORACLE relies on the law of intention and synchronicity. Universe/Life always responds to your thoughts and intentions. When you have a genuine desire to receive guidance, Universe/Life will seek channels to communicate with you. MY ORACLE is one of those channels.

If you have an iPhone, you can download MY ORACLE by clicking on the iTunes tab below.

My Oracle

MY ORACLE is based on the understanding that if something is not working out in your life, then there is something on your inside that needs some attention. Once you identify what it is and course correct, life reflects it back to you as restored flow and success!

The app costs $2.99 to download, the price of a cup of coffee. 
You can drink coffee to give you a boost of adrenaline that will be soon be gone. Or you can get MY ORACLE and have a guidance system that is always ready to support you.

Please leave a review on the iTunes store,  whether you've had MY ORACLE for a while or just recently purchased it!

And please, let your friends know about it!

Finally, if you have any suggestions on how to bring MY ORACLE to more people, please tell me all about it! Here is my information:

Phone: (415) 383-0818 

Peace & blessings,


Ps: For those who do not have iPhones, my apologies. I am in the process of creating a brand new app for Android. My apologies to the men this time, 'cause it is a "ladies only" app! Keep posted!!! ;*)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Personal Leadership, response-ability and co-creation

Everyone knows the importance of "Personal Leadership" in one's life. It is personal leadership that allows one to live the vibrant and fulfilling life that one is longing for.

For me, personal leadership is: "To use my abilities to be at choice."

The main "ability" I am referring to is the ability to be present.

And in order to be at choice, I need not only to be present but also to be MYSELF.

Huh right? Read on...

The other day, my wife and I were driving down Miller Avenue in Mill Valley, on our way to having tea and chocolate in the Marina in Sausalito, when suddenly a car, unaware of our presence, started merging into our lane. The car was about to hit us when, flooded with a huge rush of adrenaline, I stepped on the breaks. The driver of that car obviously had had no clue that we were in the lane right next to him! What happened next was very interesting to me...

After the initial fear, which caused me to take rapid action and save the situation, anger arose in me. Who were those lunatics?! I had an urge to find out and "let them have it". I laid on my horn.  

Angry Driver 

It was a car full of high school kids. Before I could drive up next to them, there was a laps of time long enough for me to recompose myself, ground and get clear, but I chose not to. I say I chose, because my inner voice of wisdom was telling me to let it go, not to react, stay present with my inner experience and take responsibility for my feelings, but another part of myself, a more miserable part of me wanted some form of retaliation, make someone else responsible for my emotions and make them miserable too. And I chose to drive up and tell them kids, with an attitude of rectitude, to keep their eyes on the road.

Christi looked at me and said: "Oh my, I've never seen you like this before!" And we started laughing about the jerk I had become for a moment!"

What struck me about this situation is that, in that moment, I hadn't been myself, AND I had actually consciously chosen to not be myself. I had become my reaction and started creating my reality AS my reaction. Not as ME. Now why would I do that?! I had used my power of free will to go unconscious, react, indulge in my reaction, and by doing so loose dominion over my present experience AND over my future.

Yes, over my future too. What goes around comes around right? The energy I put out today WILL come back to me tomorrow...

And I want to make sure that what goes around from out of me, is aligned with what I value and believe in! And it is in my commitment to that, that resides my Personal Leadership. And this requires that I be the authentic "ME", whose response-ability includes responsibility, as always as possible.

It is when I am truly MYSELF that I can choose what Buddhists call "right action".

Every time we choose to let anger inform our thoughts and actions (notice that as personal leaders we are taking responsibility for this CHOICE), we are actually participating in an energy of war in the world. We are in a state of consciousness that contributes and supports wars in the world. I know this might sound a little dramatic or esoteric. But science, with every advance, is confirming the validity of ancient spiritual teachings of the interconnectedness of all things. Quantum physicists discovered that matter literally changes depending on who observes it.  

Eye and Earth 
It is the consciousness of the observer that creates the reality.    

So here is what you need to understand: 

Whatever you do in the privacy of your own home, mind and heart is not as private as you might think, and it affects the whole.

See how responsible we really are?

When you react, indulge in your reaction, and let your reaction inform your thoughts and actions, you stop being YOU, and really, you are a threat to the common good. Think about it: who is present when you aren't? Who's making decisions, acting, talking, thinking?

My mentor Patrick O'Neil says: "Reactivity is a sign of misplaced personal leadership."

I'll even say that "Reactivity is a sign of a misplaced YOU."

Okay, so get this! As you slow down your thoughts in that moment of reaction, you might notice that the velocity of the mind can be such that it easy to skip over the fact that it is actually us who are making the choice of going unconscious. But the truth is, that there is this moment where we are choosing to react instead of using our personal leadership abilities to stand by our true selves, and we loose an opportunity to create something truly NEW for ourselves and for a world in dire need of a new way.  YOU can open that new way, by using your Personal Leadership abilities.

WOW, isn't that empowering?

Let's look at places where it's easy to react and abandon ourselves. Notice as you read through the examples, what your energy does, and notice what specific examples trigger the strongest reaction:

-       A letter from the IRS, you're being audited.
My survival program kicks in. Adrenaline shoots through my body. Fight or flight.

-       The presence of a specific family member.
I regress to dynamics that are long obsolete.

-       A big fat chocolate brownie is offered to you.
The desire for it takes over. A "program" is running you. You can't resist even though you had previously decided not to have any for a while, because some of the ingredients are making you tired or even sick.

-       Your partner, or a sexy hunny you just met, promises you good sex in one hour.
Another program is activated. The sex program. Now you have this heat emerging in your core and rising up to your head. You can't wait. You're already fantasizing and can't be present with your child who really needs your attention right now. Or you're driving and are not as present and are not driving as safely as you normally would.

-       You're opening a letter from your employer, you're definitely fired.

-       You played the lottery and you're watching as all your numbers are being drawn one by one! You just won 85 million dollars! You go to the lottery head quarters to cash in your jackpot and find out that your ticket was for the previous week.
No comment.

Did you notice any changes in your experience, your energy, your emotions while reading through? Which situation is more likely to stray you away from YOU and your personal leadership, and send you on a loop of unconscious reactivity?

Mind you, there is nothing wrong with having a banquet of feelings in the celebration of one's life! The question is "Are you having those feelings or are they having you?" In other words; are you maintaining your ability to be present/be you/be at choice, and thus do what's called for in service of the higher good in any given situation, or are you abandoning yourself to a pattern or a reaction and can't help anyone because of it?

Ask yourelf:
Who are you when you aren't you?
When do YOU give up your right to be YOU?
What's the cost?
What do you know will help you in staying present and being your empowered/clear SELF all the time?

Good intentions aren't enough. It is vital that we, as conscious people, are aware of the times and places when we aren't present/us, and commit to do EVERYTHING WE CAN to BRING US BACK!

YOU is the most precious thing you have.
YOU is the most precious thing your family has.
YOU is the most precious thing the world has.

So here is one tool you can use when you start loosing yourself/react. It is from the Buddhist tradition:

Place your awareness on your different senses, one after another.

What are you hearing?
What are you seeing?
What are you smelling?
What are you tasting?
What are you touching?

Keep circling from one sense awareness to the other without getting hung up in any particular one, and you'll find yourself disengaging from the drama and becoming YOU again.

When you apply yourself to using your abilities to be present and be YOU, you are engaging your personal leadership abilities and create more freedom in your life. You become more response-able, responsible, and the world is a better place for it.

Congratulations on all the work you've done so far in your life! Keep going, stay engaged with your process, and savor the fruits of a well invested mind and heart.


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Brilliant branding A-has for you and your business.

YOU are beautiful.
YOU are unique.
YOU are magnetic!

YOU are a brand.

You will find value from reading this whether you are a business owner or an individual.

What's the first thing you think when you hear "branding"? Most of my new clients would answer that it is about "image": Logo, colors, letterheads, business cards, cool looking website, t-shirts, banners, flashy commercials, etc...

Sure. But that alone won't bring you the success you are longing for.

In 2009, I had the great privilege to help raw food advocate and culinary genius Diana Stobo with her brand identity. Today, Diana is helping thousands of people, has published two award winning books, is appearing on TV, and has a blog that is read all over the world.

To watch my branding session with Diana on video, click here:

One of the main key factors to successful brand development is known as "differentiation", so important to "compete".

There is tons of literature on differentiation (and branding in general) online.

In this present article, I'd like you to have one big A-HA around differentiation and competition, so read on.

When I first came here in the United States in 2003, many people told me that competition was tough in my line of work. Sooo many were already doing the same thing.

Well, I don't see things the same way. How can anybody compete with each other? There is only one of each of us.

I am the only ME there is. You are the only YOU there is.

Within two years, I had established a client base of 400. And that's my way of doing business. Taking care of "competition" by finding out who I am and embracing it overtly and covertly. The domain of the spiritual then meets the domain of the economy to transform our reality, individually and collectively. Harmony, flow and ease is restored.

Without getting too "brainy" about it, allow the truth and energy in the statements above and below to impact you.

"No one can compete with me, because I am the only ME there is!"

In regards to Branding. Branding starts with your "vertical alignment" (what Branding experts call "differentiation"). It being the DEEP connection that results from asking yourself: "Who am I? How am I naturally different (what are my gifts)? What do I stand for? What do my clients get from working with me or my company? And by the way... who are my clients?"

The more vertical alignment you have, the more POWER you have in your "horizontal" branding efforts and strategies.

And actually, as we saw above, the more vertical alignment you have, the less competition you have, remember?

Vertical alignment = "Know Thyself".
Know Thyself = Freedom from competition.

This angle on branding might sound a little "spiritual" to you. I sure hope so! Does economy need to be separate from spirituality? We're seeing the results of un-integrated human thinking in the disintegration of our economy and resources.

Andre Malraux's said in the last millenium:

"The third millennium will be spiritual or there will be no third millennium."

I believe that the new economic (and political) paradigm we are moving toward as a whole, has to do with the realization that our "challenges" will find their solutions in our vertical alignment-- "Know Thyself", and I would add "And Embrace Thyself". And that is spiritual.
THE BIGGEST MISTAKE you can make when branding your business, in my eyes, is to play it safe to fit in and lack authenticity.
Because the most powerful factor in getting and keeping clients is... INTIMACY.

And intimacy can't happen without authenticity.

Ask your friends what they love about you. It is very likely that they won't name all the places where you are "perfect" or common, but more likely your quirks, the ways that make you unique. You want your clients to be able to "feel" you so that they can love you too, and choose you.

Not everyone will love you. Great! That means that they are not YOUR clients. They are someone else's. Can you live with that?

When you know yourself, and you are aligned with it, everything flows naturally, whether it is in your private life or business life.

We are moving from a paradigm of the

"survival of the fittest" to the "thriving of the authentic"!

In short, my admonition is: "Know thyself and embrace it. Your fulfilling success will follow, in your life AND in your business!"

If you are an individual, consider these "vertical questions":

Who am I? What are my deepest values? What gifts and talents did I come with in this lifetime? What gets me REALLY fired up? What is my purpose?

See you on the horizon!