Relationships don’t have to be hard!
I tend to feel sad when I see other people struggling with their relationships, not because they are not meant to be together or don’t love each other, but simply because they lack a certain “Relationship Education.”
I guess you could say it reminds me of my own experiences of suffering in past relationships. One such relationship was in 1992, where my girlfriend at the time and I were sitting at the dinner table having a wonderful time laughing. Then, the next thing I knew, I was leaning out the window screaming after her: “And don’t forget your pizza!!!” as I was throwing the rest of her pizza at her.
Okay…What just happened?!
It’s obvious that with the type of “pizza slinging” consciousness I possessed at that time, I would have been a poor World Peace Ambassador!
One common attribute I have observed in all of my clients is their desire to make a difference in the world. And most of them look at the world as one big lump of chaos and war—as something outside of themselves, over which they have no power and feel hopelessly overwhelmed about.
Here’s the deal. The world is an exact reflection of our collective consciousness. Gandhi said: “Our contribution to the progress of the world must consist of setting our own house in order.”
Start with what you CAN change—Your “Own House.”
1. Look at your relationship with yourself
• Is it gentle, loving, caring, and peaceful?
Or is it harsh, overly critical, demanding, and disconnected?
• If you could make a difference in the world by changing one thing about your relationship with yourself, what would it be?
Take a moment to contemplate and answer these questions…
Commit to changing what you can!
2. Look at your relationship with your lover (or any other close relationship)
• Is it an expression of the Peace you want to see in the world?
• If not, stand up and be your own hero, do something to set your own house in order.
If you are frustrated because you keep getting into arguments, and you feel ill equipped to handle conversations that are sensitive, but would love to be able to share deeply what is not working for you in a relationship while strengthening intimacy rather then separation, educate yourself in Non Violent Communication by getting the book, Non Violent Communication by Marshall Rosenberg. And if possible, join a practice group in your area. There are chapters all over the world, and for those who live here in Marin, there’s one in Corte Madera called the Sunrise Center (
Better yet, JOIN US in my upcoming weekend workshop: Conscious Relationships: A Path Toward World Peace, Saturday, March 28th and 29th . Get inspired, learn new skills, develop effective tools, and most of all, find the empowerment necessary in your relationships to experience deep lasting Peace and Love.
If you’d like to get a glimpse of what we’ll be doing in the weekend workshop, I will be giving a FREE introductory evening at the Sunrise Center in Corte Madera on Wednesday, March 18th at 7pm ( for directions). Please join me and meet like-minded people. Your presence and participation is warmly welcomed and heartily encouraged. Come JOIN US!
Now more than ever, we need to set our own houses in order and attend to our relationships. Make the commitment to equip yourself with the knowledge,the tools, and the consciousness to successfully build peaceful and loving relationships. The fear of an uncertain economic future is utterly powerless in the face of the type of safety and love that can permeate all of our relationships in this very present moment.
Attend to your love garden.
Sow in the right places.
Water the plants that matter most.
Cherish your loved ones… including your Self.